4 Reasons Staying at Home is Good for Your Health

We all remember being kicked outside as kids because “the fresh air is good for you!” These days, quarantine and remote office work have severely limited our options for going out, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t health benefits to staying in. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the ways that staying at home can actually benefit your overall health and happiness, plus a few methods to incorporate healthy activities into your at-home routine. Let’s dig in! 

Less Likelihood of Virus Exposure

First, and perhaps most obviously, the more time you spend at home, the less likely you are to contract viruses like COVID-19, or other illnesses like influenza or the common cold. Even if you’re donning a mask and following CDC procedures, the more time you spend in public, the greater your likelihood for being exposed to airborne illnesses and disease-causing pathogens. 

That said, if you’re staying at home more often, you still need to take precautions to help you stay healthy. Disinfect high-traffic surfaces regularly, wash your hands frequently and make sure you have good ventilation to keep fresh, clean air circulating throughout your home. 

More Time to Focus on Health

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that staying healthy requires taking deliberate, strategic steps. Now that more people are working from home, there’s more opportunity to incorporate healthy habits into daily life.

Gym closed? No problem. Start a workout routine in your living room, whether it’s some simple yoga stretches, body weight exercises or just a dance party with the kids. Not having to drive to the gym means you have more time to get creative with your exercise habits.

Staying in also means you’re eating in more often, which is considerably healthier than grabbing takeout. Studies show that restaurant meals typically have more unhealthy fats, sodium and calories than meals made at home. Now is a good time to hone your cooking skills (even if they’re limited) in the name of staying healthy, and with a world of resources at your fingertips, you can find simple, healthy recipes that anyone can make – and improve your health at the same time. 

If you’re the type of person who simply doesn’t have time or energy to put into meal planning, consider a meal kit that gets delivered to your door. You still avoid unhealthy, expensive restaurant food this way, but you also don’t have to put a ton of thought into planning, shopping and cooking. There are a variety of meal kits out there, including ones with special dietary considerations like gluten-free, paleo and more, so you can find a plan that works perfectly for you and your family. 

Less Driving 

A huge, yet highly overlooked benefit of staying home is spending less time driving. Americans spend a lot of time on the roads. One study suggests that Americans spend 18 full days per year driving! While that may not seem unhealthy at first glance, driving actually contributes a huge amount of stress to our daily lives, which can take a toll on both our mental and physical health.

By staying home and off the roads, you stand to gain more free time in your day, plus reduce your daily stress levels and enjoy a lower risk of car-related accidents or injuries. 

Get a Mental Health Boost

Don’t be fooled – isolation is not ideal for mental health. However, mindfulness, meditation and quiet can be hugely beneficial for our overly-stimulated minds, and staying at home lends itself well to these practices. 

Being at home in a comfortable environment can minimize stress and help you make more time for self-care, which is crucial for mental health. There are a number of self-care exercises that can boost your mood and help you de-stress, including:

  • Taking a warm bath.

  • Doing light yoga, stretching or breathing exercises.

  • Journaling. 

  • Making time for personal hobbies and goals.

  • Listening to music.

  • Spending time with family

Remember that the more time you dedicate to your own personal health and wellness, the more you are able to give back to your work, your family and your community as a whole. 

Get Personalized Health Tips from ProPartners Healthcare 

Staying healthy during a pandemic isn’t easy. At ProPartners Healthcare, our doctors are highly dedicated and trained to help you maintain a higher standard of wellness. With our Direct Primary Care system, you have access to your doctor 24/7 and unlimited doctor visits for one low monthly fee. 

If you’d like health tips directly from your doctor and treatment customized to your unique needs, contact us today to discuss membership options – and get on the path to a healthier, happier lifestyle.


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html#:~:text=Wear%20a%20mask%20to%20protect,be%20exposed%20to%20COVID%2D19.

  2. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tips-for-keeping-your-home-clean-in-the-time-of-covid-19/

  3. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/home-cooking-versus-takeout#2.-Its-proven-to-be-healthier

  4. https://ifoodreal.com/clean-eating-recipes-dinners/

  5. https://buyersguide.org/meal-delivery/t/best?kw=1718542015880243681&m=b&d=c&c=495852880235&p=&oid=kwd-25486990&lp=9023229&li=&nw=g&nts=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4L2BBhCvARIsAO0SBdY3i1kt2LGC5YZk1BQpEHkqd3x-f4b5JR4Fdc_KhpsaPoMkQFBRwxwaAphiEALw_wcB&tdid=8382683&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4L2BBhCvARIsAO0SBdY3i1kt2LGC5YZk1BQpEHkqd3x-f4b5JR4Fdc_KhpsaPoMkQFBRwxwaAphiEALw_wcB

  6. https://www.thecarconnection.com/news/1122782_study-americans-spend-18-days-in-their-car-per-year-forge-close-bonds-with-a-vehicle

  7. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-do-stay-at-home-mandates-impact-mental-health#Studying-the-intensity-of-the-impact

  8. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shyness-is-nice/201403/seven-types-self-care-activities-coping-stress

  9. https://www.propartnershealthcare.com/contact