What Is Direct Primary Care?

The Direct Primary Care Model Is Different from Concierge Medicine

Direct primary care is the healthcare model employed by the physicians at ProPartners Healthcare. It enhances patient access to physicians, improves quality of care, and reduces costs.

The DPC model enables our physicians to:

  • Be available to patients 24/7 via text, email, or phone call.
  • Provide care that is comprehensive and affordable.
  • Reduce medical expenses; we never charge copays, office visit fees, or deductibles

Breaking Down the Direct Primary Care Model

How Is the Direct Primary Care Model Different from Concierge Healthcare?

The healthcare space has no shortage of terminology and descriptors of physician services. Some terms are used interchangeably when they shouldn’t be, and “concierge medicine” is one we hear most frequently.

The following are the main differences between concierge medicine and the DPC model.

  • Concierge medicine is far more expensive compared to DPC. Whereas concierge medicine can cost as much as $10k per year, the average cost of DPC is around $100 per month or less.
  • In addition to the membership fee, concierge healthcare providers bill patients or the patients’ medical insurance for all services, thus charging an access fee and for all medical services they perform. DPC does not bill insurance at all.
  • Concierge healthcare providers bill patients and their insurance at the insurance allowable “full price” for all services. When DPC bills for incidental services like labs or medications, it provides heavily discounted or “at cost” pricing. Any ancillary or incidental services are typically less than the membership fee.

Ready to learn more about the DPC model and why it’s the right fit for you and your family? Contact us to arrange a 15 meet-and-greet with one of our direct primary care physicians.